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Azure AI Studio pricing

Azure AI Studio brings together capabilities from across the Azure AI portfolio

Azure AI Studio is the unified platform that allows developers to explore models and APIs, build and test generative AI solutions with responsible AI practises and tooling, and deploy and monitor solutions in production. Pricing occurs at the deployment level for each of the products consumed.
Products Description Not available
AI services Azure AI services provide developers access to pre-trained, customisable AI models through APIs and SDKs. See pricing details for AI services
Azure OpenAI Service Unlock the power of large-scale, generative AI models with Azure OpenAI Service, offering the flexibility of both Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) and Provisioned Throughput Units (PTUs). See pricing details for Azure OpenAI Service
Model catalogue Discover, fine-tune, and deploy foundation models using the model catalogue. See pricing details for model catalogue
Products Description Not available
Azure AI Search Information retrieval and search platform, designed to optimise retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) within Gen AI applications. Organisations can store, index and search their own data, delivering contextual information to AI models. See pricing details for Azure AI Search
Fine tuning Hosted fine-tuning with serverless compute applies to AOAI.
Fine-tuning for MaaS.
See pricing details for fine tuning for AOAI
See pricing details for fine-tuning for MaaS
Prompt flow Prompt flow is a tool designed to streamline the entire development cycle of AI applications. See pricing details for prompt flow
Automated Evaluations2 Use built-in metrics or your own customised metrics to systematically measure and improve the quality and safety of application outputs before deploying to production. Currently free at preview

1Currently there is no charge for the following features: Langchain, semantic kernel.

2AI-assisted evaluations for quality metrics require valid connections to GPT-3 and GPT-4 models available in Azure OpenAI Service. AI-assisted evaluations for risks and safety metrics, known as safety evaluations, are currently offered at no charge.

Products Description Not available
Content Safety Azure AI Content Safety is a safety system for monitoring and mitigating content, generated by AI or humans. See pricing details for Content Safety
Products Description Not available
GitHub Actions Discover, create, and share actions to perform any job you'd like, including CI/CD, and combine actions in a completely customised workflow. See pricing details for GitHub Actions
Azure DevOps Integrations Azure DevOps supports a collaborative culture and set of processes that bring together developers, project managers, and contributors to develop software. It allows organisations to create and improve products at a faster pace than they can with traditional software development approaches. See pricing details for Azure DevOps
Monitoring1,2 Track model and application performance in production, including token usage, the quality of generated outputs, and other operational metrics. See compute costs for monitoring
Real-time endpoints Not available See pricing details for real-time endpoints1

1Compute costs are calculated by hourly usage. Azure AI stores the logged inference data in Azure Blob Storage, which incurs storage costs.

2AI-assisted evaluations for quality metrics require valid connections to GPT-3 and GPT-4 models available in Azure OpenAI Service.

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Azure AI Studio

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  • The Azure AI Studio platform is free to use and explore. Individual features customers access and consume are billed at their normal rates.
  • You do not need an Azure account to explore Azure AI Studio. You will need an Azure subscription when you're ready to begin building your copilot.
  • Each service and product available in Azure AI Studio will have its own billing model and price.

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