The Java team at Microsoft continues to collect feedback from the Java community. Based on that feedback we continue to build and improve solutions for Java developers who want to work with Cloud Native applications on Azure, or just use our cloud services from on-premises applications.
One of the things Java developers have been asking for is an easier way to get started with Java environments in the cloud.
We've updated the Java Developer Center with three easier ways, shown in the image below – you can build Java client, server and Web apps in a few steps with our new “Easy Create” offerings. Each option creates a base for Java developers, including a JDK and Tomcat, ready to drop in custom code.
For example, the first button in the image below creates an Ubuntu Linux VM running Tomcat, ready for your Java code deployment, with FTP/SCP/SSH set up automatically.
The second button in the image generates a Java container on Azure App Service, providing a managed Web app container environment. The Azure App Service takes care of provisioning, load balancing, auto-scaling, and app health monitoring.
The third option, shown on the right in the image, is code you can use to run a sample on our local machine that accesses an instance of Azure Storage (in this case the Azure Blob service).
Sign up on Azure for free, and let us know how it’s going!
If you’re new to Azure, test it out with a free trial. If you’re using Java on Azure, we want to hear about how you’re using it! Please let us know if you have a project that may be a useful reference case for others, or if you just have some questions for us.
The best channels to share feedback are the comments section below, GitHub or StackOverflow.