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Power your file storage-intensive workloads with Azure VMware Solution

With Azure VMware Solution you can now scale storage independently from compute using Azure NetApp Files datastores, enabling you to run VMware-based storage-intensive workloads like SQL Server, general-purpose file servers, and others in Azure. Gain the flexibility and scalability of running your storage-heavy workloads on Azure VMware Solution, while delivering high performance and low latency.

This blog has been co-authored by Ram Kakani, Principal Program Manager, Azure Dedicated

Update November 8, 2022: Azure NetApp Files for Network File System (NFS) datastores in Azure VMware Solution is now generally available.

If you’ve been waiting for the right time to optimize your storage-intensive VMware applications in the cloud, I have great news for you: Azure NetApp Files for Network File System (NFS) datastores in Azure VMware Solution is now available in preview.

With Azure VMware Solution you can now scale storage independently from compute using Azure NetApp Files datastores, enabling you to run VMware-based storage-intensive workloads like SQL Server, general-purpose file servers, and others in Azure.

Gain the flexibility and scalability of running your storage-heavy workloads on Azure VMware Solution, while delivering high performance and low latency.

Azure NetApp Files as a datastores choice for Azure VMware Solution

Azure NetApp Files is available in preview as a datastores choice for Azure VMware Solution, and Azure NetApp Files NFS volumes can now be attached to the Azure VMware Solution clusters of your choice.

Use cases include migration and disaster recovery (DR)

Azure NetApp Files datastores for Azure VMware solution enable VMware customers to:

  • Flexibly manage and scale storage resources for workloads running on Azure VMware Solution, independently to compute.
  • Lower total cost of ownership (TCO) through storage optimization, for VMware workloads
  • More efficiently leverage Azure VMware Solution as a DR-endpoint for business continuity

Let the powerful file storage solution in the cloud power your VMware workloads

Azure NetApp Files is a fully managed file share service built on trusted NetApp ONTAP storage technology and offered as an Azure first-party solution.

“Azure NetApp Files helps deliver the performance, flexibility, scalability, and cost optimization customers need to migrate any VMWare workload, including ’un-migratable‘, storage-intensive VMware applications, to the Azure cloud and to securely back up on-premises VMware applications to Azure.”—Ronen Schwartz, Senior Vice President and General Manager, NetApp Cloud Volumes

We know every business is different and scaling on its own timetable, so we created three performance tiers for Azure NetApp Files: Standard, Premium, and Ultra. Scale-up and down on-demand as your requirements change. You can store up to 10 PB in a single deployment; achieve up to 4.4 GBps of throughput and sub-millisecond minimum latency in a single volume.

We continue to add features and regions and listen to our customers to better understand what they need to migrate their workloads to Azure. We heard loud and clear from VMware customers that Azure NetApp Files was exactly what they needed to make the move to the cloud.

Fully integrated with Azure VMware Solution

But we didn’t build a silo solution that works only with Azure VMware Solution. We built the most powerful file storage solution in the public cloud to work seamlessly with other Azure services. Now we have extended Azure NetApp Files to work perfectly with Azure VMware Solution to meet the needs of VMware customers.

Get started today

On Azure VMware Solution you can now scale storage independently of your compute costs and gain the performance, scalability, reliability, and security you need with Azure NetApp Files for Azure VMware Solution.

Learn more