• 3 min read

Open Source and Linux on Azure Fridays #OSSFridays (Skype session)

Microsoft loves Linux! Learn more about transformative Open Source/Linux based workloads in Azure.

Join us for OSS Fridays with the Azure global black belts!   This online meet-up style Skype session will cover various Open Source and Linux solutions in the Microsoft Azure Cloud.   We will highlight various ways Microsoft has embraced open source and the contributions back into OSS.

This is a bi-weekly session and will start at 11:00 am EST/8am PST on this Skype link.      Calendar invites can also be dowloaded here:  https://aka.ms/OSSFridaysInvite.  

You can view previous recordings here:  https://aka.ms/OSSFridays

Here is the agenda for the current week and upcoming sessions:


June 16, 2017 – The last OSS Fridays before the summer break!

  • Latest updates and season end review
  • Corey Sanders OSS unplugged – open Q&A
  • OSS Fridays Spotlight: Red Hat/Ansible
    • ​Ansible Playbook – automate and accelerate Azure deployments with Ansible Playbook
    • Ansible Tower – use CloudForms & Tpower to migrate on-premise VMs to Azure
  • ​Q&A


June 2, 2017

  • Latest updates around Open Source in Azure
  • Microsoft & Docker Primer
    • Windows and Containers
    • Differences between EE, CE Swarm mode vs Legacy Swarm
    • Introducing the Modernize Traditional Apps Program
  • OSS Fridays Spotlight:  Deis
    • ​Helm – more than just a package manager
    • Draft and other cool stuff​


Previous Agendas:


May 19, 2017

  • What's new with Open Source in Azure?
  • //Build recap
  • Container management with Sysdig
  • Partner Spotlight: Qubole Data Services in Azure
    • Quickly spin up a managed Hadoop/Spark cluster in your own subscription
    • Learn how to create a streaming analytics workflow with Qubole
  • ​Q&A

May 5, 2017

  • Latest and greatest around Open Source in Azure
  • Patch management for Linux with OMS
  • Partner Spotlight:  Bitnami – how Bitnami can help maximize your OSS investment
    • Easily launch and customize multi-tier applications like Bitnami's MongoDB with replication
    • Simplify adoption of containers on Kubernetes with open source projects like Monocular and Kubeless
  • ​Q&A

April 21, 2017

  • OSS updates from the last couple of weeks
  • Microsoft updates from DockerCon
  • Azure Site Recovery with Linux workloads
  • Partner Spotlight:  Cloudwick  –  Showing Business Modernization powered by OSS in Azure
    • ​Profiles of Successful Business and IT Transformations using OSS and Azure
    • Jumping the Azure & OSS Shark:  Real World Fortune 1000 use cases
  • ​Q&A

April 7, 2017

  • Latest around OSS in Azure
  • Backing up Linux workloads in Azure
    • File recovery demonstration
    • Application consistent backups
  • Deep dive with Kubernetes with Brendan Burns
  • ​Q&A

March 24, 2017

  • Latest around OSS in Azure
  • Linux Backups and Site Recovery
  • Azure VM updates
  • Partner Spotlight:  Docker – showcasing Docker Enterprise Edition on Azure
    • ​Develop and debug a Java Spring Boot app
    • Deploying DCE in ACS and DEE in Azure Marketplace


March 10, 2017

  • Latest around OSS in Azure
  • Azure CLI 2.0
  • Partner spotlight:   Cloudera
    • ​PaaS-ifying CDH in Azure – Adding and removing nodes on demand with Cloudera Director
    • Sneak peek of Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) integration with Cloudera Manager

Links to MP4 recording and PDF.


February 24, 2017

  • Recent updates in Azure
  • Overview of OSS portfolio in Azure
  • Partner spotlight:   Harman will be showcasing multiple demos around:
    • Linux/Windows containers / Docker & Azure Container Registry
    • CI/CD using OpenShift/Kubernetes/Jenkins


February 10, 2017

  • Whats new in the Open Source world in Azure
  • Clear Linux primer and demo
  • Kubernetes in Azure Container Service (ACS) with Brendan Burns

January 27, 2017

  • Updates around Open Source activities at Microsoft
  • Workload spotlight: Big Data with Spark 2.0
    • Hadoop and Spark your way with HDInsight or HDP in IaaS
    • Structured Streaming with Spark 2.0
    • ​Realtime datascience demo with SQL queries
  • Partner spotlight: Hortonworks


December 16, 2016

Links to MP4 recording and PDF.

December 2, 2016

  • Azure Quick start templates built by Partners available
  • Red Hat in Azure Partnership & Engineering Updates
  • Workload spotlight:  Apache Cassandra NoSQL Database
  • Partner spotlight: Pythian and DataStax:  Managed Cassandra running in Azure

Links to MP4 recording and PDF.


November 18, 2016

Links to MP4 recording and PDF.


November 4, 2016

  • Recent updates around Open Source at Microsoft
  • How to test drive Open Source solutions in Azure for free
  • A lap around Azure's Open Source capabilities, approach, investments & roadmap
  • Partner spotlight: Cloudbees Jenkins Platform on Azure

Links to MP4 recording and PDF.


October 21, 2016

Links to MP4 recording and PDF.


October 7, 2016

Links to MP4 recording and PDF.