In part 2 of this series, we will start to dive into DC/OS 1.9 installation on top of vSphere. Mesosphere offers few ways to deploy a fully working cluster and since I wanted to see how everything is really connected, I have chosen the advanced installation method. We will start with some Linux related adjustments and the Docker engine deployment.
I really like how the DC/OS team organized their online installation guides. It’s clean, pretty comprehensive, and well understood. You basically have 3 local installation methods for “production scale” deployment – GUI, CLI & the Advanced way which was the one I went with.
Although the installation guide is very good, it misses some stuff which is mostly Linux related. In this series, I will try to demystify those, so everything, as the Zohan would say, will be “silky smooth”.
Throughout the deployment process, you will notice that I put VMware snapshots interrupts which will warn you when I’m recommending taking a snapshot on all the VMs, so you will be able to maintain consistency.
Read more about all the details around DC/OS 1.9, Docker and the Security perquisites on top of VMware vSphere in my personal blog.