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Join the Azure Collective on Stack Overflow

The Microsoft Azure Collective is now your one-stop shop on Stack Overflow for all things Azure.

The developer community is central to developer productivity. We’ve seen developers ask and answer questions and share content to contribute to each other’s success, helping us all to achieve more. 

We appreciate that the developer community is getting value out of Stack Overflow and the content that has already been created by hundreds of thousands of developers. We share in your enthusiasm for the platform and want to explore a new way to help build the community experience there.

That’s why we are excited to announce we’ve launched the Azure Collective on Stack Overflow. Users who join the Microsoft Azure Collective will find more than 190,000 questions and other relevant content using over 350 tags.

Why join the Microsoft Azure Collective?

The Microsoft Azure Collective is now your one-stop shop on Stack Overflow for all things Azure. We’ve curated Azure tags such as azure-functions, azure-storage, azure-active-directory, azure-sql-database, and azure-cosmosdb by highlighting recommended answers to your questions. This means that even if your question doesn’t have the most votes, we can help promote the right answers.

Additionally, as part of the Collective, you will:

  • Quickly find trusted answers recommended by Recognized Members of the Azure community.
  • Engage with new content formats and get in-depth product knowledge that’s only on the Collective like Articles and Bulletins directly from Azure.
  • Build your Collective reputation when you ask or answer questions and see your contributions appear on the member leaderboard. If your contributions continually help other users, we can invite you to become a Recognized Member. Recognized Members are acknowledged on their Stack Overflow profile and include a few extra privileges within the Collective, such as the ability to recommend answers.
  • Become part of our Azure developer community, empowering developers to work better together.

Who can join the Microsoft Azure Collective?

Any Stack Overflow account user can be a member. The Collective is a space for developers and technologists on Stack Overflow to engage on all Microsoft Azure products, including Compute, Containers, Identity & Security, Databases, Analytics, web, and mobile.

How can I find the Microsoft Azure Collective on Stack Overflow?

You’ll find the Collective anywhere you find questions with Azure tags, like azure, azure-functions, or simply visit us.

Ready to join the Collective? Here’s how:

Already on Stack Overflow? Join the Azure Collective as a member.

New to Stack Overflow? Sign up and join us! Just make sure to check how to ask a good question first.

We hope this new curated destination for developers will enhance your ability to navigate questions to your problems more quickly and provide you with additional resources to bolster your research and learning activities.

Looking for more ways to connect with the developer community?

Join us on March 7th for this year’s Azure Open Source Day, a free digital event. Learn how to use your data to build intelligent, scalable apps faster and easier with open source. See demos of the latest open-source capabilities in action—while connecting with the community of open-source experts and enthusiasts. Hear from Microsoft insiders like Brendan Burns and Donovan Brown and get insights from industry leaders at companies like GitHub, Redis, and HashiCorp. Be sure to bring your questions for the live chat Q&A.

Register now.