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Enhancing Azure VMs Protection with ESET File Security Extension

We're excited to announce that this week ESET became part of the Azure Marketplace Security VM Extensions family.

We are excited to announce that this week ESET became part of the Azure Marketplace Security VM Extensions family.

By provisioning ESET File Security as VM extension, users can get the enhanced security and experience of ESET. Their Solution, designed specifically for Windows Server is expanded to an even larger user base – business customers hosting their virtual server infrastructure in Azure. ESET File Security is another example of the possibilities to enrich and expand the Azure VMs features using the VM Extension technology.

Using a BYOL model, customers can move their current Licenses and expand their workloads to Microsoft Azure.

The VM Extensions provisioning process is available through different options: Azure Portal, PowerShell commands, XPlat-Cli and ARM templates giving the users the power of election and a great bootstrapping experience.

ESET File Security as VM Extension

When configuring a virtual machine, customer can simply select ESET File Security from the list of extensions and it will automatically be installed in the background.

ESET Security File


Also, users can add the VM Extension using Powershell:

PS C:PowerShell> Get-AzureVMAvailableExtension -ExtensionName FileSecurity


Or Azure CLI:

$ azure vm extension list -n FileSecurity –json

If you are not familiar with what the Microsoft Azure VM Extensions are, please read this article.

ARM Templates

We keep on investing in Azure Resource Manager JSON-based templates to enable you to automate the deployment of various services on Azure.

Aligned to that effort we are facilitating also an open source template to provision a Windows VM with the ESET Extension.

Here is a snippet of the simple template with the ESET Extension:



With just one click button this will drive you to a simple automated provisioning experience.


Custom Deployment

Azure CLI:

azure group create --name WindowsSecureRG --location "West US"
azure group deployment create --resource-group WindowsSecureRG -template-uri https://github.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/blob/master/eset-vm-extension/eset-template.json


New-AzureResourceGroup -Name WindowsSecureRG -TemplateUri https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/eset-vm-extension/eset-template.json

You can find all of these templates and MANY more on our templates page on Azure.com

File Security

A collaborative effort

As part of Microsoft’s commitment to empower every person and organization to achieve more, this type of deliverables is the result of a deep collaboration effort based on a Hackathon model, applying agile development principles that combine the talent and expertise from multiple teams, including ESET, Microsoft Developer Experiences, and Microsoft Azure Engineering. This model significantly accelerates the adoption and integration of cloud technologies, enabling open source communities to continuously contribute and improve the technical artifacts that result from these engagements.