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Azure Automation-Hybrid Runbook Worker FAQs

This post addresses frequently asked questions about Hybrid Runbook Worker in Azure Automation.

Update: 02/02/16. This is outdated, please refer to production documentation for up-to-date information: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/automation-hybrid-runbook-worker/


How do I ensure my Hybrid Runbook Worker installed correctly?

Execute the Add-HybridRunbookWorker cmdlet with the -verbose switch. This will provide a complete log in the PowerShell command window of each action performed by the cmdlet. It should report “completed successfully” or provide details on any failure.

How do I delete my Hybrid Runbook Worker?

Currently, you need to run the Remove-HybridRunbookWorker cmdlet on the hybrid runbook worker. Use the -verbose switch for a detailed log. If the remove command fails (for example gives “Nothing to remove” message), you may need to create a different runbook group and re-register the worker in that group. We are working on providing the ability to delete the hybrid worker groups from the portal soon.

Can I select a particular worker to target my job?

At this point, no, this capability is not available. However, it is being considered for future release.

Can I use Hybrid Runbook worker for …

Test jobs: Yes, you can run your test jobs on a hybrid worker.
Scheduled jobs: Yes, you can schedule the jobs to be run on a hybrid worker.
Webhook jobs: No, but this capability will be available soon.

Can I use a different account to run my hybrid jobs other than default system account (which MMA runs under)?

The capability will soon be available to use an existing credential asset as a RunAs account for the Hybrid Runbook Worker. All jobs running on that worker will use those credentials.

Are modules automatically deployed to hybrid runbook worker?

The core PowerShell modules should already be installed. Other modules referenced in runbooks are not automatically deployed to on-premises machines, so you need to install them manually on the hybrid worker. We will be adding the capability to automatically install your modules soon.

How do I troubleshoot runbooks running on Hybrid Runbook Worker?

While the runbook job is running on a Hybrid worker, the streams are sent back to Azure Automation. When the runbook job completes, it sends the detailed status back to Azure Automation. You can view and troubleshoot the job in the same way you troubleshoot jobs run in the Azure cloud. You can also enable Verbose and Progress records (Runbook – All settings – Runbook Settings) to get more detailed information.
Logs from the hybrid worker machine, can be found at C:ProgramDataMicrosoftSystem CenterOrchestrator7.2SMASandboxes.

How do I see which jobs have run on hybrid runbook workers?

You will soon be able to see in the portal where the job ran, both on Azure or on a Hybrid Runbook worker group.

How long does a job run before it is suspended?

The job is not suspended in Hybrid unless there is an exception with the script or with the environment.

Does Fairshare apply to Hybrid Runbook jobs?


Hybrid runbook workers have been updated. How do I ensure I have the latest bits?

Verify the version is MMA agent version is 5.2.20826.0 at C:Program FilesMicrosoft Monitoring AgentAgentAzureAutomation5.2.20826.0.

Do I need to open any ports for using Hybrid Runbook worker?

No, you don’t need to open ports, just ensure the Hybrid Runbook worker machine has access to internet.

Learn more by reviewing the full documentation on Hybrid Runbook Workers.