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Hier finden Sie die neuesten Updates zu Azure-Produkten und -Features, die für Ihre Cloudanforderungen entwickelt wurden. Abonnieren Sie Benachrichtigungen, um immer auf dem neuesten Stand zu sein.


Juni 2016

23 Jun

New Azure Mobile Engagement SDKs for Xamarin, Unity, and web (preview) available

You can integrate Azure Mobile Engagement in your apps if you are developing by using Xamarin, Unity, or even web apps!

  • SDK and Tools
  • Features

März 2016

9 Mrz

APIs available to integrate Mobile Engagement with your back-end systems

Azure Mobile Engagement offers open REST APIs to enable integration with your back-end systems, like CMS, CRM, and IT products.

  • SDK and Tools
  • Features

Dezember 2015

16 Dez

Support for Windows 10 Universal Apps, Power BI dashboard, new troubleshooting feature, and more

Read about the new features available in Azure Mobile Engagement.

  • SDK and Tools
  • Features

Oktober 2015

2 Okt

General availability: Azure Mobile Engagement


Azure Mobile Engagement enables real-time and fine-grain user segmentation, app-user analytics, and context-aware, smart-push notifications across all connected devices.

  • Services

August 2015

31 Aug

Updated SDKs for Android M and XCode 7/ iOS 9

Mobile Engagement SDKs updated for Android M and XCode 7/iOS 9. Please update to these SDK versions when targeting the new operating system releases.

  • SDK and Tools

Mai 2015

4 Mai

Mobile Engagement iOS SDK supports Swift

Apps written in iOS Swift can now use an updated Mobile Engagement iOS SDK.

  • SDK and Tools
  • Features

April 2015

22 Apr

Windows Universal apps SDK for Azure Mobile Engagement

The Windows Universal Apps SDK is available for the Azure Mobile Engagement service.

  • SDK and Tools

Februar 2015

18 Feb

Public preview: Azure Mobile Engagement


This is an SaaS-delivered, data-driven user-engagement platform that enables real-time fine-grain user segmentation, app user analytics, and contextually-aware smart-push notifications and in-app messaging across all connected devices.

  • Services

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