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Månedlige opdateringer til september 2020

22 sep

Azure Monitor ITSM Connector for BMC Helix with Secure Export


Introducing a preview of Secure Export as a new version of Azure Monitor ITSM Connector, providing integration with BMC Helix.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Features
22 sep

General availability of workspace-based Application Insights

Azure Monitor Application Insights now integrates deeply with Log Analytics for a unified workspace-based mode enabling you to store your app logs and your platform/infrastructure logs together in one place.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Features
22 sep

General availability of Azure Monitor for Key Vault and Azure Cache for Redis


Azure Monitor for Key Vault and Azure Monitor for Azure Cache for Redis provide out of the box insights for these resources using platform telemetry.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Azure Cache for Redis
  • Key Vault
  • Security
  • Features
22 sep

Offentlig prøveversion: Azure App Service Migration Assistant – understøttelse af Java Tomcat


Du kan nu overføre dine Java Tomcat-webapps til Azure ved hjælp af værktøjet Azure App Service Migration Assistant.

  • App Service
  • Features
22 sep

Offentlig prøveversion: Understøttelse af Steeltoe .NET-programmer i Azure Spring Cloud


Opret og udgiv programmer hurtigere med understøttelse af Steeltoe .NET-programmer i Azure Spring Cloud.

  • Features
22 sep

Diskbursting på VM-niveau på Dvs3- og Esv3-VM'er


Diskbursting på VM-niveau er nu aktiveret for Dvs3- og Esv3-VM'er, og gør det muligt for kundernes arbejdsbelastninger at håndtere uforudsete spidsbelastninger i disktrafikken, uden at deres virtuelle maskiner skal klargøres mere end nødvendigt.

  • Managed Disks
  • Services
22 sep

Azure Arc enabled servers are now generally available


Azure Arc enabled servers are now generally available for Windows and Linux servers outside of Azure

  • Azure Resource Manager
  • Azure-politik
  • Services
  • Management
  • Compliance
22 sep

Dedikerede klynger for Azure Monitor Log Analytics med datakryptering, når data er inaktive, og lockbox


Håndter implementeringer i stor skala på en bedre måde ved at drage fordel af datakryptering, når data er inaktive, (med kunde administrerede nøgler) og lockbox, og konfigurer desuden kapacitetsreservation på klyngeniveau til rabatpris.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Features
22 sep

Global virtual network peering support for Azure SQL Managed Instance now available


Utilize global virtual network peering for your managed instances to save time through easy network configuration and by offloading your gateways from database replication traffic.

  • Azure SQL Database
  • Features
22 sep

Hosting catalog databases for all supported versions of SSRS in Azure SQL Managed Instance


Expand your ability to quickly migrate existing solutions to Azure SQL Managed Instance with new catalog database hosting capabilities.

  • Azure SQL Database
  • Features
22 sep

Større ydeevneforbedringer for Azure SQL Managed Instance


Et forbedret gennemløb for logskrivning og fremragende data-/log-IOPS gør Azure SQL Managed Instance til et endnu bedre valg til migrering.

  • Azure SQL Database
  • Features
22 sep

Machine Learning på Azure SQL Managed Instance fås som prøveversion


Machine Learning-tjenester med understøttelse af R- og Python-computersprog omfatter nu understøttelse af Azure SQL Managed Instance som prøveversion.

  • Azure SQL Database
  • Features
22 sep

Configurable backup storage redundancy options for Azure SQL Database coming soon


New Azure SQL Database backup storage options coming soon, including local and zone-redundant storage.

  • Azure SQL Database
  • Features
22 sep

Azure Stack Hub with GPU's now generally available

Azure Stack Hub now supports NVIDIA V100, NVIDIA T4 and AMD Mi25 GPU enabling ML, VDI and Inferencing on the edge.

  • Azure Stack Hub
  • Services
  • Features
22 sep

Apache Spark for Azure Synapse In-cluster Caching and Shuffle Service (Preview)


Optimize performance on caching and shuffle with new services from Apache Spark for Azure Synapse

  • Azure Synapse Analytics
  • Features
22 sep

Public preview: Azure Kubernetes Service support for Kubernetes 1.19


AKS users can now benefit from features in Kubernetes 1.19 release

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Features
22 sep

App-consistent backup for Oracle and MySQL DBs in preview


Pre-packaged script based solution to get application consistent snapshots for Oracle and MySQL DBs. Just provide connection information and workload name and leverage the instant restore benefit of Azure VM backups and minimize costs by selectively include/excluding relevant disks.

  • Azure Backup
  • Features
22 sep

Offentlig prøveversion af Azure PostgreSQL-sikkerhedskopiering med langsigtet dataopbevaring


Nu kan du opbevare sikkerhedskopier i op til 10 år ved at definere din egen sikkerhedskopierings- og opbevaringspolitik for individuelle databaser på PostgreSQL-servere.

  • Azure Backup
  • Features
22 sep

Introducing Azure Backup Center


Backup Center currently is in public preview for the workloads of Azure Virtual Machines and Azure Database for PostgreSQL servers and limited public preview for the workloads SQL in Azure VMs, SAP HANA in Azure VMs and Azure Files.

  • Azure Backup
  • Management
  • Features
22 sep

Azure Synapse Link now supports Azure Cosmos DB API for Mongo DB (Preview)


Analyze MongoDB data stored in Azure Cosmos DB collections using Azure Synapse Link.

  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • Open Source
  • Features


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