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Priser for Microsoft Security Copilot

Microsoft Security Copilot pricing overview

Microsoft Security Copilot empowers security and IT teams to protect organizations at the speed and scale of AI. Security Copilot is available in a standalone experience or embedded in your Microsoft Security products to intuitively meet you where you work. Get started today by flexibly provisioning compute capacity to run Security Copilot workloads to meet your needs.

Se prismuligheder

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Priserne er kun estimater og er ikke beregnet som faktiske pristilbud. De faktiske priser kan variere afhængigt af den type aftale, der er indgået med Microsoft, købsdatoen og valutakursen. Priserne beregnes ud fra den amerikanske dollar og konverteres ved hjælp af London børsens slutkurs, der registreres i løbet af de to hverdage før den sidste hverdag i den forrige måned. Hvis de to hverdage før månedens slutning falder på en banklukkedag på større markeder, angives kursen umiddelbart dagen før de to hverdage. Denne kurs gælder for alle transaktioner i løbet af den kommende måned. Log på Azure-prisberegneren for at se priser baseret på dit aktuelle program/tilbud med Microsoft. Kontakt en Azure-salgsspecialist for at få flere oplysninger om priser eller for at anmode om et pristilbud. Se ofte stillede spørgsmål om Azure-priser.

Microsoft Security Copilot compute capacity

Provision capacity in Security Compute Units (SCU) to run Security Copilot workloads. These workloads provide insights, evaluate prompts, run promptbooks and automate them in both the standalone product and embedded experiences across Microsoft Security.

  • Flexibly provision compute units to meet your organization needs.
  • Easily manage costs with in-product dashboard.
SKU Price per hour Estimated price per month
Provisioned $- $-1

1Estimate of the monthly bill is for 1 SCU provisioned for 24 hours daily for the entire month. SCUs are provisioned per hour and billed monthly.

Microsoft recommends provisioning 3 SCUs per hour to start your Security Copilot exploration.

Amplify your team’s impact and efficiency with Security Copilot

Get started today

Flexibly provision Security Compute Units to run all Security Copilot workloads.

Industry leading generative AI

Security Copilot turns global threat intelligence, industry best practices, and enterprises’ security data into tailored insights to outpace and outsmart adversaries.

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Microsoft Security Copilot

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Se tekniske vejledninger, videoer og andet Microsoft Security Copilot-materiale.

  • A Security Compute Unit (SCU) is a unit measure of the compute power to run Security Copilot workloads within the standalone and embedded experiences.
  • Sign up for an Azure subscription and purchase desired number of SCUs within Security Copilot product (preferred) or Azure portal.
  • EAP customers will have access to the product for their full 6-month term. At the end of the EAP period, EAP customers will go through the GA onboarding process to continue using Security Copilot. To learn more see documentation.
  • Yes, Microsoft Security Copilot will decrement customers’ MACC.

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