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Měsíční aktualizace pro Služba Virtual Machines: prosinec 2020

11 pro

HBv2-series VMs for HPC are now available in UAE North


Azure’s most powerful and scalable HPC VMs, the HBv2-series, are now available in the UAE North region. Customers in this region can now run scale-out MPI workloads to tens of thousands of CPU cores.

  • Služba Virtual Machines
  • Regions & Datacenters
  • Services
  • Features
11 pro

Automatické umístění virtuálního počítače a Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets k dispozici ve službě Dedicated Host


Azure teď může vybrat vyhrazeného hostitele, na kterého je váš virtuální počítač nasazený. Současně se službou Dedicated Host je možné také nasadit službu Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets.

  • Virtual Machine Scale Sets
  • Služba Virtual Machines
  • Pricing & Offerings
  • Features
  • Compliance
11 pro

Intel SGX based confidential computing VMs now available on Azure Dedicated Hosts


The new DCsv2_Type1 Dedicated Host SKUs add confidential computing capabilities to Azure Dedicated Hosts. The DCsv2-series Azure Virtual Machines can help protect the confidentiality and integrity of your data and code while it’s processed in the public cloud. Dedicated hosts will provide further isolation from other tenants, further enhancing the isolation aspect of secure applications within confidential computing.

  • Služba Virtual Machines
  • Virtual Machine Scale Sets
  • Security
  • Services
  • Pricing & Offerings
  • Features
  • Compliance
9 pro

Azure Stack Edge Virtual Machine Support is in public preview


Azure Stack Edge hosts Azure virtual machines so you can run your VM based IoT, AI, and business applications on an Azure appliance at your location.

  • Služba Virtual Machines
  • Azure Stack Edge
  • Features


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