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Měsíční aktualizace pro březen 2014

27 bře

General Availability: Azure in China


We've partnered with 21Vianet to bring Azure to China.

  • Regions & Datacenters
  • Pricing & Offerings
18 bře

General Availability: Hadoop 2 in Azure HDInsight


New deployment and performance improvements are part of the Hadoop 2.2 in Azure HDInsight GA release.

  • HDInsight
  • Features
13 bře

Reduced Pricing on Storage

Effective today, customers will see lower prices for Block Blobs Storage and Disks/Page Blobs Storage.

  • Účty úložiště
  • Pricing & Offerings
13 bře

General Availability: Oracle software on Azure


Oracle Database, Oracle WebLogic Server, Java, and Oracle Linux are available in the Azure Image gallery. These images include a license and are fully supported by Oracle.

  • Služba Virtual Machines
13 bře

Azure Traffic Manager now supports Azure Web Sites

Manage and load balance Azure Web Sites with Azure Traffic Manager. Available for all Standard websites.

  • App Service
  • Traffic Manager
  • Features


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