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Choosing Your Database Migration Path to Azure

Tento materiál je dostupný v: English.

Publikováno: 21.01.2019

Reclaim the valuable time and resources you’re losing with traditional on-premises SQL Server implementations by migrating to Azure SQL Database. This white paper will guide you through the thought process and steps required to migrate your database workloads from on-premises to Azure services—helping you focus on rapid app development and accelerate your time to market. 

Learn about the five stages of the SQL migration roadmap:
  1. Understand your database footprint and potential approaches to migration.
  2. Assess the discovered workload requirements and any dependencies.
  3. Plan and describe the workloads to be migrated, the tools to be used for migration, and the target platform for the workload.
  4. Transform any workloads not currently compatible with modern data platforms. Optimise workloads to take advantage of new features.
  5. Perform migration, validate successful migration, and remediate applications where required.

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