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Atualizações mensais para setembro 2020

30 set

Azure Security Center—News and updates for September 2020


New enhancements and updates that were made to Azure Security Center in September 2020.

  • Central de Segurança
  • Security
  • Features
30 set

Embedded C SDK general availability


Announcing the release of our newest device SDK for embedded IoT devices

  • Azure RTOS
  • Features
30 set

Long term retention for Azure Database for PostgreSQL-Single Server


Preview of long-term retention of data for Azure Database for PostgreSQL-Single Server is now available.

  • Banco de Dados do Azure para PostgreSQL
  • Features
  • Open Source
30 set

Azure DevTest Labs: Encrypt OS disks in your lab


Protect your labs data and data stored on managed disks while resting assured that you are hitting your organization's security and compliance benchmarks with Server-Side Encryption.

  • Azure DevTest Labs
  • Features
30 set

New features for Windows Server containers in Azure Kubernetes Service


Learn about new Windows Server container related capabilities in AKS

  • AKS (Serviço de Kubernetes do Azure)
  • Features
30 set

Confidential computing nodes (DCSv2) support on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) in public preview


Orchestrate your container applications with hardware based isolation and data-in-use protection through Intel SGX enclaves. Supporting both enclave aware containers and confidential containers (unmodified container apps)

  • AKS (Serviço de Kubernetes do Azure)
  • Máquinas virtuais
  • Security
  • Features
30 set

GA: O Data Factory adiciona suporte ao formato de arquivo ORC de data lake para Fluxos de Dados do ADF e do Synapse Analytics


O ADF (Azure Data Factory) está adicionando um novo suporte a conector para habilitar o formato ORC (Optimized Row Columnar) para fluxos de dados no ADF e no Synapse Analytics no ADLS e no Repositório de Blob.

  • Azure Data Factory
  • Features
30 set

Public Preview: Data Factory adds SQL Managed Instance (SQL MI) support for ADF Data Flows and Synapse Data Flows


Azure Data Factory (ADF) is adding new connector support to SQL MI as a source and sink to data flows in ADF and Synapse Analytics in ADLS and Blob Store.

  • Azure Data Factory
  • Features
30 set

Azure Cognitive Services Translator Text— Assamese language now available


Translator Text now supports the Assamese language.

  • IA do Azure Tradutor
  • Features
30 set

General availability: Azure Availability Zones in more regions


Azure Availability Zones are now generally available in Australia East and Canada Central.

  • Máquinas virtuais
  • Regions & Datacenters
30 set

Spring Data Azure Cosmos DB SDK v3.0.0 release now available


Now you can use the Spring Data framework with the Azure Cosmos DB Core (SQL) API.

  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • SDK and Tools
  • Features
  • Open Source
30 set

New performance recommendations now available in Azure Advisor


Review new Azure Advisor recommendations to help you achieve better performance.

  • Assistente do Azure
  • Services
30 set

New recommendations for operational excellence are now available in Azure Advisor


Review new Azure Advisor recommendations to help you improve your cloud operations.

  • Assistente do Azure
  • Services
30 set

O Disco Ultra do Azure já está disponível em mais regiões


O Disco Ultra do Azure já está disponível na Austrália Central, Índia Central, Coreia Central e US Gov - Texas.

  • Discos gerenciados
  • Services
30 set

Nova experiência de interface do usuário guiada para implantar modelos de machine learning no Azure Synapse Analytics (em versão prévia)


Estamos introduzindo uma experiência guiada de interface do usuário no Synapse Studio que permite que os usuários implantem modelos de machine learning do registro do modelo do Azure Machine Learning diretamente no Azure Synapse para inferência.

  • Azure Synapse Analytics
  • Features
30 set

Novo conector do Common Data Model para Apache Spark no Azure Synapse Analytics e Azure Databricks (em versão prévia)


Esse novo conector do Spark CDM requer zero configuração e é pré-instalado com o Azure Synapse Analytics. Ele também pode ser instalado e usado com o Azure Databricks.

  • Azure Synapse Analytics
  • Features
30 set

Os discos compartilhados no Armazenamento em Disco do Azure agora estão disponíveis em um conjunto mais amplo de regiões


Os discos compartilhados estão disponíveis para os SSDs Premium em todas as regiões e para os Discos Ultra em todas as regiões compatíveis com Discos Ultra.

  • Armazenamento em Disco do Azure
  • Features
29 set

Azure HDInsight --Autoscale for Interactive Query with HDInsight 4.0 is now generally available


Enable HDInsight Autoscale to drive higher utilization of your clusters.

  • HDInsight
  • Features
29 set

General Availability: Application Insight in UK West


Application Insight, a part of Azure Monitor, is now generally available in the UK West region for customers to collect telemetry and analyze their service health in production environments.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Regions & Datacenters
29 set

Azure Data Explorer extends functionality to support geospatial joins


The new geo_polygon_to_s2cells function enables the user to join vast amount of geospatial timeseries data with polygons on S2 cells.

  • Azure Data Explorer
  • Features


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