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Azure Cosmos DB Management with PowerShell cmdlets is in public preview

公開日: 8月 05, 2020

Now in preview, users can manage Azure Cosmos DB resources using a set of PowerShell cmdlets, available in the Az.CosmosDB Powershell module. The Az.CosmosDB module can be used with Windows PowerShell 5.1 as well as cross-platform PowerShell Core 6 or 7.

The Az.CosmosDB PowerShell module includes cmdlets to manage Azure Cosmos DB account resources, including the new autoscale throughput as well as per-API resources. These include databases and keyspaces, graphs and tables, and child resources including containers, collections, graphs, and tables. Additional cmdlets are available to manage other Azure Cosmos DB resources including indexes, keys, locations, conflict resolution and unique key policies, account regions, and throughput. Take a look at PowerShell samples and get started today.

  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • Features
