Hybrid connections

Azure Stack Hub
Azure Virtual Machines
Azure Virtual Network
Azure VPN Gateway

Solution ideas

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In this solution idea, use a hybrid connection for Azure Stack Hub solutions with applications that communicate with the Azure public cloud and on-premises Azure Stack Hub components.


Diagram that shows a hybrid connection for Azure Stack Hub.

Download a Visio file of this architecture.


  1. Deploy a virtual network in Azure and Azure Stack Hub.
  2. Deploy a virtual network gateway in Azure and Azure Stack Hub.
  3. Deploy virtual machines in each virtual network.
  4. Establish a VPN connection over the public internet between the network gateways.


  • Virtual Network: Provision private networks, optionally connect to on-premises datacenters.
  • Virtual Network Gateway: Learn how to configure VPN Gateway, a virtual private network gateway.
  • Virtual Machines: Provision Windows and Linux virtual machines in seconds.
  • Azure Stack Hub is a hybrid cloud platform that lets you use Azure services on-premises.

Scenario details

Azure Stack Hub enables you to deploy Azure services on-premises or in the cloud with a consistent application logic, development paradigm, and operations methodology.

Hybrid cloud applications are a single system that has components running in both Azure and Azure Stack Hub.


This doesn't apply to Azure Stack Hub deployments that are disconnected from the public internet.

Potential use cases

This solution blueprint is relevant to establishing connectivity for any application that involves communications between the Azure public cloud and on-premises Azure Stack Hub components. Hybrid connectivity is a foundational blueprint that will be applicable to most Azure Stack Hub solutions.

Next steps