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We are retiring Azure AD Domain Services classic VNET support on 1st March, 2023

Published date: 27 February, 2020

In 2017, Azure AD Domain Services became available to host in an Azure Resource Manager network. Since then, we have been able to build a more secure service using the Azure Resource Manager‘s modern capabilities. Because Azure Resource Manager deployments fully replace classic deployments, Azure AD DS classic virtual network deployments will be retired on 1st March, 2023.

How does this affect me?

After 1st March, 2023, your current Azure AD DS classic virtual network deployment will be removed, and all applications using Azure AD DS will no longer function.

What actions should I take?

To avoid losing access to your managed domain, migrate Azure AD DS from your classic virtual network to an Azure Resource Manager virtual network before 1st March, 2023.

Learn more about migrating your managed domain to an Azure Resource Manager virtual network.

  • Microsoft Entra Domain Services
  • Retirements