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Azure Active Directory B2C now supports monthly active users billing

Published date: 07 November, 2019

Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) B2C now supports billing based on the count of unique users with authentication activity within a calendar month, known as monthly active users (MAU) billing. From 1 November 2019, all new customers will be automatically billed per MAU. Existing customers will continue to be billed per authentication until they switch to MAU billing, or until a future deprecation date.

Most customers will realise cost savings, with their first 50,000 active users each month able to authenticate for free. Separate charges apply if you choose to provide higher levels of assurance using Multi-factor Authentication for voice verification and for sending SMS messages. A flat fee of USD 0.030 is billed for each Multi-factor Authentication attempt.

Learn more about the monthly active users billing model.

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